Our New Teen Commons Area

We are thrilled to announce we have a brand new and improved Teen Commons area, exclusive for students from all over Greenwich in grades 6-12. Whether you go to a public or private school in Greenwich, Teen Commons and the adjoining Study Hall area is the perfect place for you to relax, read, study, research, or explore a new hobby.

Of course, you will find hundreds of YA books throughout this space. But you will also find gems like manga, graphic novels, video games, and books to help with homework and testing. Study Hall offers cubbies and bartops with multiple types of plugs so you can spread out and work for as long as you need.

In Teen Commons, you’ll find comfy chairs to hang with friends and Macs in case you don’t have your laptop or tablet with you. We host many programs every month in Teen Commons and Teen Librarian Amy can be found hanging out there, shelving books, and helping students all throughout the day.

Check out more about the spaces here:

Greenwich Library is a place for teens in grades 6-12 to find and read books that reflect themselves and their experiences, get college or job ready, tinker with emerging technologies, and ace their next test. Plus, monthly programs and workshops allow teens to develop their skill sets, dive into new hobbies, and make friends with others in the community. Learn more about offerings for Teens at greenwichlibrary.org/teens.

Get the latest about the Library’s Teens’ events and offerings sent to your email: greenwichlibrary.org/enews.

Questions? Contact:
Amy, Teen Librarian
(203) 625-6549