Disposal of Discarded Materials

Approved June 18, 2019

Effective management of Greenwich Library’s (the “Library”) collections is guided by the Library’s Strategic Plan and requires continual review of the collection and discarding outdated or obsolete titles, duplicate copies, and worn-out or damaged copies. Such discarded materials will be disposed of by the following means:

  • Sales to the public and/or to dealers;
  • Donation to other libraries and to not-for-profit organizations; and
  • Removal for recycling, if possible, or for destruction.

In recognition of the Library staff’s work priorities, discarded materials will not be reserved or held for individuals.

Guidelines for Policy Administration

Procedures for administering this policy will be uniform throughout the Main Library and Branch Libraries.

Staff responsibility for the disposal of discarded materials does not extend beyond arranging for delivery to the Library discard area or to recycling or disposal centers.

Sales proceeds will go to the Friends of Greenwich Library or to the Friends of the appropriate Branch Library.

Selection, boxing, and delivery of discarded materials for donation or sale are the responsibility of the recipients and/or volunteers, not the Library staff.

Replaces Disposal of Discarded Materials
Approved November 4, 2009

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